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Case #1: Business Function


Moses and his friend Joshua have this great idea about developing software for hospitals in developing countries. From the get go, they both knew that they needed money in order to get their project going. However, they are having hard time to secure an investor/ sponsor as they don’t have a legal business structure. They both read online on how to incorporate a company and decide to go ahead incorporate a software company in Kansas City, Missouri. They called it “Tech ABC”

After incorporating their business, they came across a Venture Capitalist “Gary Liu” a young Chinese immigrant who is ready to seed in $300,000 first round to help them with product development (putting together the software package) and marketing in return for a 20% ownership of the company. However, Gary wants to see a certain business structure before he can put his money.

Moses and His friend Joshua do not have any business background and both are Software developer and do know how to structure operation of their business. They talked to their Spiritual mentor and friend Curtis Brown about their issues of not knowing how to structure business functions. Curtis asked them to contact his good friend HB who works for ABN Nzailu & Co as they offer Startup Consulting Service.

Moses and Joshua make an appointment to meet up with ABN Nzailu & Co Partner. They talked and got an understanding on how ABN can help Tech ABC. The scope of the work is for ABN is to initially develop a business function structure or framework

Statement of Work (SOW)

  • Client : Tech ABC

  • Scope of Work : To Develop a set of core and non-core Business function for Software Company

  • Deliverable : Chart of Business functions (segmented as core and non-core)

  • Hours : 40

  • Talent :Consultant ABC

Consultant task

  • You received an email from Manager Jonathan Halliwell (JH) on Friday that he staffed you on his project for 20 hours starting Next Monday. Manager JH will brief you on Monday about the project but he noted that it is a quick and easy project

  • On Monday morning, Manager JH and you have a quick meeting. He wants you to put together a business function framework for Tech ABC

  • The framework should be divided or segmented as core and non-core Business Functions. The first draft is due in 48 hours for round 1 review

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