ABN Nzailu & Co
ABN Nzailu & Co is an Auditing, Advisory and Tax Consulting Firm incorporated in the DRC as of February 2017. The Firm was founded by a PwC Retired Partner Benjamin Nzailu and Co founded by a PwC Alumni Manager Anthony Nkinzo. Since its inception, the firm has secured projects with Local clients such as RawBank, PPC Barnett, CRT, AMO CONGO.
ABN Nzailu & Co was formed out of the desire to provide services carter to empower and enable African Businesses to face the challenge of operating in a global business environment and Economy.
ABN Nzailu & Co has the ambition to become the most trusted Business Advisor to the African Marketplace. ABN is investing greatly in equipping its staffs at all levels and providing them with the appropriate tools to serve clients at best.
ABN Nzailu has acquired its own offices at 119 Boulevard du 30 Juin, Matrix Tower which will be occupied starting Mid September,2017
Our Leadership Team

Ben NZAILU is a Veteran Auditor, trusted Business Advisor and Retired PwC Partner with 33 years of experience serving clients in various industries as part of Financial Audit and Advisory project. Ben held various Executive positions within PwC DR Congo as well as PwC Sub- Sahara Francophone Africa prior to his retirement. Ben is registered Accountant authorized to sign statutory Audit of Accounts in DR Congo and he is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering specialist (CAMS)

Jerry TSHIYAMU has sixteen (16) years of experience in direct and indirect taxation of companies In tax and legal advice, including eight (8) at the General Tax Direction (DGI) and eight (8) at PricewaterhouseCoopers DRC(PWC) where he was until recently Senior Manager. His experience includes tax planning, tax review and assistance and defense of customers in tax and parafiscal audits initiated by the tax services and other administrations, advice on business law in general and the social law, compliance missions, as well as corporate tax training missions. He is currently a Partner in the firm ABN Nzailu & Co.